Sunday, October 08, 2006

Of birds and bees :)

Yeah.. I know nobody reads these posts. And as you have rightly figured out by now, the catchy title was just to lure you.... ;) So now that you've walked straight into this trap and are still reading, let me not totally disappoint you - The title isnt entirely irrelevant either (I wouldnt resort to such cheap tricks after all, merely to make you read !). However the only thing of relevance is the bees part of it, which refers to yours-truly. Well, let me introduce myself - This is Bee, (yep... the same one, often referred to as the Bumble-Bee), residing in a tiny hive, for the past few months, in a corner, which has not been discovered by the intelligent Muggles so far, in Tweety's office space.

Thought I'd blog about a few of the smart observations, Ive made over the past months, from my vantage point, in my hive! Personally, I think this blogging-business is totally ridiculous. Ive watched Tweety doing it for quite some time now. I distinctly recall, that it started off with a big-bang for her. I mean, I seriously wondered then and still do so now, why would the world and it's aunt, in the first place, be interested in the random ramblings of this unknown creature who answers to the call of ' Tweety' ! Well Tweety didnt think so - Infact she went a step ahead, created this inane blog and bootstrapped herself, by gatecrashing into the blogging arena, with her not-at-all-earth-shattering premier post. The rest is history....

Tweety's blog in my humble (or was that 'bumble' ?) opinion, has turned out to be way below my mediocre expectations. Its talks about anything in general and nothing in particular. It fails to enchant, and simply doesnt have that spark ! On one particular occasion, I nearly fell off my hive, when I dozed off reading about Tweety ranting and raving regarding some mundane sea-food that she had consumed at an equally mundane-place in the city! But Tweety doesnt know, or if she does, then I think she chooses to ignore. Well, I wouldnt really blame her for that though ! Ive read other blogs too. At least all those which flash across Tweety's monitor.

A large quantum of these blogs (in my bumble opinion once again), merely comprise of barmy characters, broadcasting their day-to-day activities to the rest of the world and vice versa. And then there is another equally large set of these barmy creatures who comment on these blogs as well. Regular run-of-the-mill comments, partly in appreciation, and mostly in order to ensure that you visit their own barmy-blog-space and comment in return ;) And so the comment-whirpool commences... You get into it and there's absolutely no way out. Just stop commenting and you magically ensure, that the comment count in your own blog-space goes down (pushing your alter-ego into depths of doldrums), and slowly but surely metamorphosing you into a blog-dinosaur, till one fine day you become extinct !

So finally I decided to take matters in my hands, to stop this bloggin-madness. Tweety had just opened up her blogger-space(yet again), and was about to torture the rest of the world, with her lackluster, wearisome, heart-rending outpourings, when I decided to spare you all the agony (of reading and commenting), by stinging Tweety hard, on her middle and (just as a back up in case my Operation-StingBlogger failed) the little finger of her right hand! So currently, Tweety is out-of-action for a while, nursing, the two swollen itchy fingers, which have conveniently made it a trifle difficult for her to access the keyboard. To the best of my knowledge, Tweety would be away for a while - so you folks might as well go on vacation.. but yeah.. before you do so, as a token of your profound gratitude, for sheltering you from the ultimate agony of having to read Tweety's blog (at least temporarily) do comment on this posting. Its my maiden-one after all and it would mean the world to me :)

~ Bee

P.S. A l'il secret - Ive decided if the comment count goes beyond 20, Id probably start off my own blog, and have thought of a nice and tacky name too (


Asterix said...

Great read. Sad to know that the sting operation was successful (for Mr Bumble i.e.) Maybe you should start writing about honey-mustard instead of fish!

Anonymous said...

Infact the Bees have been thronging your office of late... just to keep you away from the keyboard. I wonder who sends all these bees to your office.

And BTW... this is my bit to keep the comment-whirlpool swirling :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed Bee's first blog entry coming from you and in fact instigated factually by the Bee carrying out the sting operation in reality and scaring you out of yours wits!

Hope to read more like this from your pen but sans the bee stings!!


Anonymous said...

Yet another wonderful write-up ! Truly enjoyed reading every word of it ! My "bumble" opinion.... get to writing "sweet" blogs once in a while for Mr.Bee's sake to avoid those nasty stings rather than only "fishy" ones Keep blogging....u will be "paid" with lotsa Hersheys... thats a promise !

Tweety said...

@Asterix: Thanks! Will certainly give a thought to your suggestion. In the meantime, the_golden_silence and I have managed to polish-off a coupla of these bees, from the face of the earth, and we plan to continue with our operation-beeviction, till the spca gets the wind of us :)

@the_golden_silence: Thanks for keeping the comment-whirlpool swirling. I think its high time now you kicked off on your own comment-whirlpool as well!

@prakash r. mahambre: Thanks. You're my old faithful :)

@anonymous: Now that's SOME incentive to write. And if the Hershey's happen to be orange in color, Ill be around on the blog 24/7 !

Fatso said...

Lucky bee :D.
mai bhi mai bhi

trinity said...

Nice read!
So as we are moving from fish to honey .. I guess we can find one Pooh for KResit to take care of the bees ..
All the Best for the next PhD admissions;-)

Tweety said...

@anirudha: 8-x !

@trinity: he he... well Pooh is an interesting idea ;) Ive given up on the PhD admission though. Too late now :p

Anonymous said...

Hi Bee, I thought you actually murdered the bee which stung you. So, should I consider that the current blog on "Of birds and bees" was posted by the ghost of the bee which stung you or you are trying to take on the identity of the victim, as a way of paying homage to it.

Tweety said...

@anon: Well I didnt have to murder the one which stung me, since it dropped dead of its own accord, as is the protocol in the bee-world. And I was hoping that nobody would to be pedantic enough, to note this technicality ... but since you have, lets just say Im paying homage by taking the identitiy of the victim :p

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the reading :), as Tweety's on vacation to cure her 2 fingers (and Bee, you know who did it),Bee pop in and gave your first blog :p, it's quite interesting eventhough it's your first blog (oops, do I talk to the Bee who's already dead on its own accord?).

Anonymous said...

That was an enjoyable one ! Unfortunately the Bee has done a cruel thing to Tweety.Nonetheless...i liked reading the Bee...hope to see more coming up from the Bee (i meant writing...not biting :D).

Tweety said...

@moniphal, @face_to_face: Thanks. Tweety's back from 'vacation' now and you will continue to see a lot more writing. So happy reading:)

Manali said...

u've been doin a lotta thinkin lately!
take a vacation!!